Hi, I'm on Kauai with not a care in the world! |
My name is Jacob, I'm camping on the island of Oahu, and I hope to backpack around the world. I grew up in Northern California, and had been living in San Francisco for the last year or so. My full time job at the dildo factory I was so fortunate to land, left me unfulfilled, despite its pretenses. So I quit one day and jetted off to to the island of Kauai with a man I'd met roaming about on Castro Street one night. These are the sorts of decisions that I make sometimes. I returned to my family home after about two weeks of staying with him in his very nice house in Kapa'a. Seeing as now I had no job, no home to return to other than my parents', I booked a flight to Oahu this time around, to continue the adventure, and with the intentions of going international once I'd had my fill of the islands.
Oahu. Look, 50 lbs of self-reliance! Mm fun.. |
I'm interested in food foraging, raw diets, multilingual people, TEFL, puppies, backpacking, and of course, traveling abroad. I have in my possession my trusty Acer notebook, a Canon Powershot A10 model for documenting purposes (1.3 megapixels, don't pretend you're not impressed), a passport, and my super awesome hiker's backpack with all the essential tarps, tent, knives, bandages, etc etc. I can hardly remember a single camping trip from my childhood, have been a self-proclaimed "city boy" up until a recent point, and usually operate through a sporadic, not necessarily the most informed, exciting form of decision making! I've found that generally, everything ends up alright in the end. So far, I've trekked about three quarters of the island's perimeter, turned my feet into the open woundiest wounds you can imagine, spent a spicy night on the west side of the island (Waianae; as described by a friend: "Rampant amounts of crack, don't be there past 5 pm") and lots of other fun sights along the way. So far I've found that for a complete novice at this type of hobo-ing, I have been most fortunate in an extreme amount of luck, excellent friends, and the beneficiary of several random acts of kindness. I only have good things to say about Hawai'i. So let's see where it takes me! At the moment I am sitting in the Laie McDonald's, filling out an application for Pizza Hut...yes, yes, I know..that's not what traveling vagabonds do. But I have my eyes set on bigger goals than this island paradise, and papa needs to get to Asia in the near future. Or..you know..wherever..
So backpacking on my weekends, rolling in greasy pizza dough on my weekdays, who knows..Taking it day by day.
The point is, I live in a tent on the beach and need to find something to occupy my time.
This blog is probably mainly for my mom.
What can I say?
I'm a popular guy.